
We aim to inspire, teach and challenge people.

About our talks

Our talks are designed to raise awareness of how cognition, emotional states and lifestyle factors influence health, wellbeing, performance and longevity. We lift the lid on unconscious processes that determine your outcomes, results, effectiveness and success in all spheres of life.

We aim to inspire, teach and challenge people to understand first principles, unlock potential, liberate thinking, take responsibility and improve their mental and physical health.

We combine the most up to date scientific evidence-based information across the following disciplines: neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and lifestyle practices.

Topics we can explore with you

  • PNI – Understand how mind states influence wellness and performance
  • Neuroscience for optimal health and performance
  • Understanding the art of motivation
  • Why meaning drives performance, health, success, and longevity
  • Meaning & purpose in the workplace
  • State management for enhanced for health and performance
  • Move from “survival state” to “thriving state”
  • Metacognition and emotional intelligence – Your meta world
  • Lifestyle – Improve immunity and resilience through daily habits
  • Living with intention, direction, and energy
  • Mountains, business, and life – How to climb your mountain
  • How beliefs determine results
  • Epigenetics – Your habits, thinking, feeling will affect your future
  • Longevity, Mindfulness, Nutrition, Exercise

Please contact us for a consultation.