Trust Building

Increase psychological safety in your team

To increase capacity and agility to be high-functioning and achieve shared objectives, teams must operate from a foundation of trust and psychological safety.

Everything begins with trust.

Teams that trust each other are:

  • Engaged,
  • Resolve conflict productively,
  • Commit to performance,
  • Hold each other accountable, and
  • Achieve high-performing results through collaboration and combining their complementary skill sets.

Teams with high levels of trust perform at higher levels and co-create higher stakeholder value.

The journey to the top of any climb requires trust, conflict management, commitment, accountability, attention to results, goal setting, clarity of purpose and roles, problem solving, collaboration, camaraderie, and interpersonal communication. These aspects enhance organizational health and improve group performance. They are critical for success. Lessons learnt on the rock, translates, and applies to achieving success in business.

What we do


We combine our psychological safety workshop with an outdoor adventure to galvanize trust in leadership teams. Put your team in a challenging environment (physically and mentally), outside their comfort zone, and reap the rewards of drastically enhanced levels of trust and cohesion.

The outcome is psychological safety where team members feel safe to ask for help, admit mistakes, raise concerns, suggest ideas, and challenge old ways of thinking and working. Via this honesty and openness, risks are reduced, new ideas are generated, and creativity and innovation thrive.

If trust is the foundation, then psychological safety is the bedrock of a healthy organization.

Bring your team to see the world from a different perspective.